Technology continues to change all aspects of life, and now it’s becoming a driving force within recruitment.
AI is underpinning video interviewing and changing the way in which recruiters and applicants interact with this process, delivering a time-saving, cost-effective and flexible approach. Don’t be daunted by the prospect of getting to know your candidates. Here are six questions to ask to get the best from your video interviews.
1. Tell me more about yourself
It’s a classic question for face-to-face and telephone interviews and can be equally useful in video interviews to open up the candidate as they get familiarised with the technology. You’ll learn more about what they feel comfortable sharing and make the process feel more personal.
A 2015 survey highlights an increased trend of video interviews, with over 70% of the 700 plus people asked reporting the use of this technique in their recruitment process. By asking the right questions and allowing them to share their opinions, personality, preferences and skills, candidates will be able to interview for positions with a greater degree of flexibility. This can be of enormous benefit for recruiters, enabling you to save time whilst interviewing greater numbers of candidates and obtaining more data. You can refer back to saved interviews, as required.
2. Why do you want the job?
By enquiring about the reasons for the application, you’ll identify whether the candidate is passionate and committed to the line of work, in addition to how much they know about the company and role itself.
As interactions can be inhibited somewhat with technology as an intermediary, this question can help applicants to flourish if they are eager and genuinely driven about the position.
3. What sort of work environment do you prefer?
Lack of physical connection means that such a question is all the more useful in ascertaining whether the candidate may be a good fit for the firm’s culture, suggesting how well the potential hire may match and adapt to the work environment.
4. Where do you envision yourself to be in five years?
This will give you some idea as to the drive and ambition of the candidate. It should also suggest whether the role they’re applying for is a good fit and its fit to their aspirations.
5. What qualities do you appreciate in a boss?
By seeing what a potential new hire looks for in a leader, you’ll get an idea as to whether this pairs well with the line manager’s qualities.
6. Is there anything you’d do differently if this were a face-to-face interview?
It’s important to acknowledge the possible effect and bias of video interviewing as a technique so that candidates get a fair appraisal. The Management Decision journal reported a 2013 study showed candidates who were video interviewed were perceived somewhat less positively than those who attended a face-to-face interview. Enquire whether there’s anything they felt they would have done differently, or how it could have been different had the interview have been in-person.
Video interviewing is a powerful advancement in recruitment. With the right questions, you can get the best from your candidates in combination with the benefits of the technology.
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